Ogden Capital Partners

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Thank you for your interest in Ogden Capital Partners, LLC

Ogden Capital Partners is a Denver based real estate advisory firm focused on finding opportunities and products that distinguishes it from the competition; and maximizes value and returns for its clients. OCP adds value to the transaction by helping its clients structure capital to their advantage, and at the same time, outline the areas of potential risk. Clients of OCP include large public institutional to small private owners of real estate.

Ogden Capital Partners can source multiple types of debt: large or small, fixed rate or floating rate, permanent or bridge, acquisition, refinance, construction or recapitalization. The team"s excellent relationships with debt sources combined with its extensive knowledge of the capital providers allows it to structure, negotiate, and close transactions in a timely manner. Through correspondent relationships, our capital sources include Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, and also direct relationships to securitized lenders, life insurance companies, banks and private lenders.
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